Monday, February 11, 2008

The Fair Tax Myth

Alot of talk of The Fair Tax has been cirrculating around. Here is the some of the truths that have been left out, or distorted.

Fair Tax raises taxes on the Middle Class.
Alot of NeoCons deny this and say it lowers it. Let me break it down. It adds a 30% (I know the NeoCons like to use 23 as the percentage but that is another lie) sales tax to services that are not taxed. Some examples would be - rent, electric bill, doctor visits, medications, surgeries etc. With the middle class struggling week to week I dont see how adding more tax onto what they already pay a savings.

You will get that money back through a prebate check.
Another distortion of the truth. Sure you will get a prebate check but the maximum amount will be 187 dollars. Most people pay more than that in a month on food and gas.

It elimates the rest of the taxes.
This is just another lie. Taxes that are federally mandated will still stand and will have another 30% added to it. (GAS, airline tickets etc..)

It eliminates the IRS.
Lie. It just renames it. It will still be there just under a different name.

The truth of the Fair Tax is that is was created by a Texas multi-billionaire Leo Linbeck. Who designed it to tax the middle class and working poor and eliminate assistance that the poor recieves now. It also eliminates the gift tax and inheritance tax. (A tax that less than 12000 people are faced with) It was designed to lower taxes for the richest 1% of tax payers but raises tax for everyone else.

I have listed in my links a good resource for truth about the Fair Tax.
I know I am only covering the tip of the iceburg. There are many other lies listed on the site. Get informed and make sure the people know that you dont support a "under the table cash grab for the rich."

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