Monday, February 11, 2008

Mosque Fire in Columbia TN.

This is just disgusting, but it is typical redneck behavior. I have heard comments locally about the fire and in my community (NEOCON territory), there is little or no sympathy. It is disgusting that these backwoods rednecks feel no compassion or sympathy.

Some of the comments I heard varied from "Its terrible." to "Should have burned their houses down too." This is the new millenium and for people to still be xenophobes is just incredible. Alot of people are too dumb to realize this country was founded by immigrants seeking refuge from religous persecution.

I just wish some of these people would get better informed before opening their mouths. I lived in different states but this is the one place where the people are so behind the times. They still have monuments dedicated to the CSA. (Confederate States of America) They are not only xenophobes but racists. I won't go into the discussion because it is just so infuriating and I have get ready for work.

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